Graduated with a dual major-Marketing and Management from Ithaca College. At 14 years old was supposed to cut a disco song called “Twiggy the Disco Dog” but got nodules in her throat and had to give up singing and her star career to come! “Walks, talks and eats chocolate”spoken with a true thick NJ/NY type of accent. Out of the Tri-State area people find this accent hysterical. Call Shari and she will recite the line above.
Has crockpot parties with her friends to get new recipes so she does not have to order in Chinese, Sushi and make the same steak and chicken dinners every week.
Shari’s family is so thankful for this interest. Lost the Price is Right Showcase Showdown in the simulated show in Vegas. Was over by $19,500….not even close. Loves loud music that she can sing along with while driving fast…. of course the speed limit for those who are reading this.